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We are excited that our 2020 Stake Youth Activity is a Trek!

Trek 2.0 is going to be a whole new experience.  Today’s youth face challenges that the pioneers of old didn’t even think could be a possibility.   Our youth are modern day pioneers!

During Trek our goal is to provide both modern day and olden days pioneer experiences.  We will create spiritual, physical, social and intellectual opportunities, where the youth and their leaders can gain a deeper appreciation of the principles of faith, obedience, sacrifice and charity. Through these powerful opportunities they will learn gospel principles, build unity with their peers, and strengthen their testimonies.  The main areas of focus for Trek 2.0 will be Temples, Prophets and The Book of Mormon.   We look forward to this event and hope you will make time to attend!


The Stake Presidency, Stake High Council, and the Stake and Ward Leaders of the St George Utah Little Valley Stake